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...stays still.*/ • .overall {position:relative;} • .scrollable {position:relative; overflow:hidden; width:620px; min-height:1620px;} • .scrollHeadingTable {float:left; font-size:11px;} • .tableHeadings { width:129px; } • .tableHeadings td { bord...
...div.Cell:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid #888; } • .basicTable td {vertical-align:middle;} •   • Der DKM Switch ist eine Hybrid-Kreuzschiene, die die Schaltung und Verlängerung unterschiedlichster Signaltypen in einem innovativen KVM-...
...of cost-effective KVM over IP devices specially developed for the management of servers and serial network devices in IT branches - help you cope with these challenges. • They allow for fast and comfortable troubleshooting, reboots or cold starts....
...milliseconds—a round-trip signal takes to travel a network. Latency often has little to do with the physical distance a signal travels; it’s more affected by the number and type of nodes that a signal travels through. A satellite connection, for in...
...a link, extend signals over their native cabling with no signal conversion occurring. These amplification or repeater types of devices are designed to equalize and amplify the signal to go greater distances. Some support daisychaining, so by string...
...switches use network or IP addresses that identify locations on the network. Physical addresses identify devices; network addresses identify locations. A location can be a LAN workstation, a location in a computer’s memory, or even a packet of data ...
...industry. A lot of equipment purchased a long time ago is using these interfaces. Purchasing new equipment is not desirable or too expensive. A lot of standard equipment is available to make the transition between newer topologies like Ethernet an...
...und Dual Head DVI-D, HDMI, DisplayPort oder DVI-I Video sowie zwei USB HID-Ports. Sie sind optional auch mit einem zweiten Videolink verfügbar zum Aufbau einer redundanten Videostrecke oder zum Videosplitting. • Mit den Upgrade-Modulen ergänzen S...
...ServSwitch device is IP-enabled, USB media devices can be attached to any server on the switch, as in an application using the ServSelect IP VM. • KVMoIP technology • Also by combining KVMoIP technology with VM switching, you don’t need physical ...
...div.Cell:hover {border-bottom:1px solid #888;} •   • 19“ KVM Fächer bieten einen komfortablen Arbeitsplatz direkt an Ihrem Serverschrank. Die ServView Reihe von Black Box zeichnet sich nicht nur durch ein robustes Design mit langer Leb...
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