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...Rackmount Kit for ServSwitch Brand CAT5 KVM Extenders ™ You can use this two - bracket Rackmount Kit to mount most Local or Remote Units of ServSwitch brand CAT5 KVM Extenders in a 19 " rack . ( Supported Extender models include our product co...
...of the ™ Dual - Access ServSwitch Brand CAT5 KVM Extender with Serial Extension You can use this two - bracket Rackmount Kit to mount Local Units only of the Dual - Access model of the ™ ServSwitch brand CAT5 KVM Extender with Serial Extension ( ou...
...KV2304A KV2204A KV2404A ServSwitch Wizard DVI DL Control up to four computer systems and share peripherals among them . KV2004A supports one video head per channel , KV2204A supports two , KV2304A supports three , and KV2404A supports four . Order t...
KV9516A ™ ServSwitch EC Series Single - Head DVI USB , 16 - Port Manage and control up to 16 DVI ® BLACK BOX and USB servers from your desktop . Order toll - free in the U.S . : Call 877 - 877 - BBOX ( outside U.S . call 724 - 746 - 5500 ) Customer ...
ACX1MT , ACX1MR Series ServSwitch DKM Quick Start Guide ACXMODH Series 2.3 Setup of USB 2.0 Modules ServSwitch DKM Modular Extenders 1 . Connect the CPU with the CPU module ( USB 2.0 ) . Black Box Tech 2 . Connect the USB 2.0 devices with the CON mo...
...SPLITS A SINGLE HDMI INPUT TO FOUR HDBASET OUTPUTS AND The HDBaseT Video Splitter , 1 x 4 , 4K UHD , Smart EDID accepts ONE HDMI LOOP OUTPUT a single HDMI input and splits it into four HDBaseT outputs . The § § SUPPORTS VIDEO RESOLUTIONS UP ...