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...xx DVI - D - CatX / Fiber - KVM - Extender Single and DualHead Service Setup Guide http : / / www.blackbox.com SERVICE SETUP DVI - D EXTENDER 1 . Service Setup For most applications , you shouldn't need not to make any adjustments to set up your...
...xx DVI - D - CatX / Fiber - KVM - Extender Single and DualHead Service Setup Guide http : / / www.blackbox.com SERVICE SETUP DVI - D EXTENDER 1 . Service Setup For most applications , you shouldn't need not to make any adjustments to set up your...
...Ethernet wiring . The extender transmits video up to 100 meters per link , but goes even longer when additional network switches are added to the mix . Use fibre with media converters to go several miles , if needed . New units also have a built -...
...xx DVI - D - CatX / Fiber - KVM - Extender Single and DualHead Service Setup Guide http : / / www.blackbox.com SERVICE SETUP DVI - D EXTENDER 1 . Service Setup For most applications , you shouldn't need not to make any adjustments to set up your...
...xx DVI - D - CatX / Fiber - KVM - Extender Single and DualHead Service Setup Guide http : / / www.blackbox.com SERVICE SETUP DVI - D EXTENDER 1 . Service Setup For most applications , you shouldn't need not to make any adjustments to set up your...