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...keyboard / m plugged KVM - EXTE Ke Remote Remote ke Solely e Local S2209A - xx S1009A - xx S2209A - xx t l C C C or I - ort itor port oca nitor Local A A A onitor p p ype ype Type onitor I - Mon DV L ouse ouse mo to ect to T T nd m DV nnect R - P...
...keyboard / m plugged KVM - EXTE Ke Remote Remote ke Solely e Local S2209A - xx S1009A - xx S2209A - xx t l C C C or I - ort itor port oca nitor Local A A A onitor p p ype ype Type onitor I - Mon DV L ouse ouse mo to ect to T T nd m DV nnect R - P...
...Range HDMI and IR Extender Use a single CAT5e / 6 cable to extend uncompressed HD video . 5 / 23 / 2012 1 of 3 # 27183 Typical connection diagram Featu res » Supports up to 1920 x 1200 including 1080p . » Supports HDCP and EDID for compatib...
...of the ™ Dual - Access ServSwitch Brand CAT5 KVMExtender with Serial Extension You can use this two - bracket Rackmount Kit to mount Local Units only of the Dual - Access model of the ™ ServSwitch brand CAT5 KVMExtender with Serial Extension ( ou...