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Data DATA ServSwitch 4Site Data VOICE • Control and real time ServSwitch 4Site combines classic KVM - monitoring for up to 4 PCs Switching with outstanding image processing . Like from one console with key - the classic KVM - Switches , the 4Site ca...
...STEP 4B - Connect the Fiber SFP Ethernet Interface 100 / 1000BASE - FX CONNECTIONS For both 100 / 1000 Mbps fiber speed connections , the SFP slots are available . The SFP slot accepts the SFP transceivers shown in the table below . DANGER ! Never...
...ACU5003 ACU5004 ServSwitch ™ Wizard Extender Chassis and Blank Chassis Panels The ServSwitch ™ Wizard Extender Chassis ( ACU5000A ) is designed to hold modules for the ServSwitch Wizard Extender system and be mounted in 2U of vertical space ...