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SpaceGAIN gewinkelte Kabel und Patchpanels • Platzsparende Lösungen für high-density Infrastrukturen • Bei einer kürzlich durchgeführten Umfrage* unter IT-Verantwortlichen haben 85% gesagt, daß sie die Dichte vergrößern um: • den Platz im Schr...
...and CAT5e or CAT6 cables (delay skew) • If you connect CAT5e or CAT6 cable to a CAT5 extender, the result is blurry images on your monitor. The effect is known as delay skew, but do you know what causes it? • Different lengths • Believe it or ...
Multiplexen und Demultiplexen von Videosignalen und Datenströmen • Ein grosser Teil der Komplexität im Aufbau eines KVM-Extenders umfasst das Multiplexen und Demultiplexen von RGB-Video (getrenntem Sync) und verschiedenen Datenströmen (PS/2® T...
How fibre is insulated for use in harsh environments • How fibre is insulated for use in harsh environments • Fibre optic cable not only gives you immunity to interference and greater signal security, but it’s also constructed to insulate the ...
...to terminate loose-tube cables with 6 or 12 fibres per buffer tube. Others enable you to furcate and terminate more than 200 loose-tube cable fibres, sealing the cable sheath and providing a moisture barrier at the point of termination. These kits r...
Bend radius • Bend radius • Bending a fibre cable • One of the most important considerations when installing fibre optic cable is maintaining the minimum bend radius. Bending a fibre cable excessively may cause the optical signal to refract an...
...greater than copper cables?. Its small size makes it easier to handle, and it takes up much less space in cabling ducts. Although fibre is still more difficult to terminate than copper is, advancements in connectors are making termination easier...
DisplayPort - a digital interface standard to connect a computer with a display • DisplayPort - a digital interface standard • DisplayPort is a digital interface standard whose primary use is to connect a computer with a display or a high defi...