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...specifications for Switches and Mediaconverters for use in industrial applications are different. • DIN rail • DIN rail is a metal rail, usually installed inside an electrical enclosure, which is mainly used in industrial environments. These de...
...caused when power is switched on or off to a high-powered device. Surges can produce high-transient voltages, which damage LAN and serial interfaces that typically use less than 12 volts to transmit. • Avalanche diodes • Surges can be protected b...
Potentialfreie Kontakte • Ein potentialfreier Kontakt ist ein Relaiskontakt, der keine Spannung lieert. Das Relais lädt oder entlädt sich, wenn eine Zustandsänderung an seinem Eingang eintritt. Mit anderen Worten, ein potentialfreier Kontakt e...
...and integrated KVM switching, Black Box’s KVM trays are miles ahead of the competition. • Nothing reduces clutter in a server room like KVM trays that are 1- or 2U high, and mount in a cabinet or rack. Here are some of the features that set our...
...regularly use KVM switches to access servers either locally, or remotely or both. But building up a large scale KVM network can also introduce new problems. Questions such as “Which switch is Server 42 on?”, “Where can I find the WEB server?”,...
...applications, such as Web publishing, in which multiple high-speed devices run simultaneously. USB 2.0 also supports Windows® XP through a Windows update. • USB 3.0 • The newest USB standard, USB 3.0 or “SuperSpeed USB”, provides vast improvements...