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...mouse (USB HID) signals over both CATx and optical fiber cables. The switch matrix is based on the DKM extender series and transmits the maximum single-link DVI video resolution across the entire distance, which, depending on the cabling, is up to 1...
...div.Cell:hover {border-bottom:1px solid #888;} • Whitepapers • Learn how network devices rely on steady, even power and how you can protect it. •   • Power Management • From the MPDU through to the cabinet PDU’s, Black Box can provide ...
...crystal clear images over distances of 10 kilometers • New DVI-KVM switch matrix ServSwitch DKM for reliable switching • Hallbergmoos, January 21, 2009 - The new digital switch matrix ServSwitch DKM from Black Box, the IT and telecommunications s...
USB MediaCento IPX • Starkes Doppel von Black Box: Interaktive Kiosk-Systeme mit neuem MediaCento IPX USB und iCOMPEL-Player • Touchscreen-Anwendungen auch für kleinere Betriebe erschwinglich • Hallbergmoos, 13. Januer 2015 – • Der IT-Netzwerk...
...signage system. It covers what you need for a simple standalone media player/one-screen setup, then discusses the benefits of more advanced, multi-screen systems, including those that can be remotely managed, play RSS feeds from the Web, and str...
...div.Cell:hover {border-bottom:1px solid #888;} •   • Local and remote device management • Providing customers with secure but easy to use access to their servers and other devices is critical. Whether customers just need to check that ... the screen. • Transcript • Kevin (host): Digital signage. We’ve all seen how powerful this technology is for targeted communications and message display. But now, the system that runs it is just as impressive. In this Tips for Techs, we’re going ...
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