Optimal video link no ghostly phenomenon
New Black Box DDC Ghost for KVM systems without DDC support
Hallbergmoos, January 9, 2008 - With the new DVI-D and VGA DDC Ghosts respectively, Black Box offers first-rate solutions for all KVM switching environments without DDC (Display Data Channel) support. Missing or not relayed EDID information is simply read out from the display, saved and forwarded to the computer.
That way, the IT and telecommunications specialist avoids those problems during computer boots, that presently result in black screens or not optimized resolutions.
Many KVM extenders or switches often lack DDC support. Thus the operating system can only display a few standard resolutions and frequencies, often with the consequence that no image or a low resolution appears on the monitor. This is especially the case with modern graphics cards.
Similar problems also occur with digital connections of new TFT displays and large screens.
"Screens remaining black and incorrect display resolution is a frequently seen phenomenon, especially with new wide-screen monitors. The DDC Ghost offers the ideal solution for that.
The device reads the EDID information of the monitor and supplies it to the computer as if the monitor was directly connected to it - even if the monitor itself is not connected", Axel Bürger, Managing Director of Black Box Deutschland GmbH, explains. The product guarantees the correct data transfer even for new screens with high resolutions of up to 1920 x 1200 pixels, or for plasma displays which don't send EDID data blocks to computers.
With the help of the DDC Ghost, old, existing KVM extenders and switches without DDC can still be used without problems with new computers and monitors. The device can also be used in mixed KVM-switching environments with analog and digital connections, applications with high-end monitors, as well as digital signage applications with very high resolutions. "This solution provides enormous cost saving potential for companies.
This way, in future old KVM extenders and switches for example can still be used without quality losses after IT infrastructure upgrades - despite modern screens and graphics cards", Bürger explains.
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About Black Box:
Black Box (NASDAQ: BBOX) is one of the world's largest technical services company with focus on design, installation and maintenance of network infrastructure systems.
From data communication and telecommunication services to on-site network installation, the company supports more than 175,000 clients in 141 countries with 173 regional offices. With "Free Tech Support" for free and competent technical advice on the phone, free test scenarios, as well as installation and maintenance services, Black Box offers an exceptional service program.
The Black Box main catalogue is well-known in the industry and comprises an extensive product portfolio on more than 700 pages. It provides details of approx. 10,000 IT products such as network components, as well as solutions for infrastructures and applications.
The headquarters of Black Box Corporation is in Pittsburgh, USA. Worldwide, the company has approximately 5000 employees, 65 of which in Germany.
Black Box Deutschland GmbH is active on the German market since 1984. Its regular customers include small and medium-sized businesses, as well as big enterprises of various branches, such as services, industry, telecommunications, health care and public administration, as well as the banking and insurance sector.
Press Contact: Black Box Deutschland GmbH
Axel Bürger, Tel +49 811 5541 322, Fax +49 811 5541 499
E-Mail axel.buerger@black-box.de, Web: www.black-box.de
PR Agency: Helmut Weissenbach Public Relations GmbH
Kathrin Hagel, Tel. +49 89 5506 7777, Fax +49 89 5506 7790
E-Mail: black-box@weissenbach-pr.de,
Web: www.weissenbach-pr.de